July 2015
© Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
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About the authors
Brian Hocking is Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Loughborough University and a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'. He is also Visiting Professor in Diplomatic Studies at the College of Europe. Brian Hocking has served as an advisor to several foreign ministries and other government agencies on aspects of change in diplomacy. His research interests focus on the evolution and changing nature of foreign policy and diplomacy. Current projects relate to innovation in structures and processes of diplomacy – particularly foreign ministries and diplomatic services - the changing nature of EU diplomacy and the interactions between business, NGOs and governmental agencies in complex diplomatic environments.
Email: Bhocking@clingendael.nl
Jan Melissen is a Senior Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael' and Professor of Diplomacy at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is founding co-editor of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and editor of the Brill Nijhoff Diplomatic Studies series. He is currently also Senior Research Fellow with the Charhar Institute, a Chinese non-governmental think tank focusing on public diplomacy. Jan Melissen has done research and advisory work on innovation in diplomatic practice with several European governments. His current projects are on trends in diplomacy and MFA networking, diplomacy in the digital age, public diplomacy, consular diplomacy and security, and diplomacy in East Asia and EU external relations. His latest co-edited book is Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
Email: Jmelissen@clingendael.nl
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